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My career journey

I am a Bioinformatics Scientist at the Kaplan Lab in Abdullah Gül University, Turkey. Currently, I am looking for a PhD position in bioinformatics.


I started studying molecular biology and genetics in 2010 at Bilkent University (Ankara,Turkey), which is one of the top universities in Turkey. There, I did my thesis project on designing urea and uric acid logic circuits in E. coli in Seker lab .


In the summer of 2015, I traveled to Japan, which was my first time going abroad, to do my summer internship in Fujita lab , in the beautiful city Kyoto, where I worked on revealing biochemical properties of mouse MDA5 protein.


I obtained my MSc from Abdullah Gül University, where I worked in Kaplan Lab . I defended my master's thesis on "Functional characterization of novel ciliary gene TMEM145" in 2020. During MSc studies, I have involved in a wide range of projects utilizing dry lab techniques such as machine learning and multi omics data analysis; as well as wet lab techniques like CRISPR/Cas9, molecular cloning and functional experiments on C. elegans.

Bioinformatics scientist

Since September 2020, I have been working in the group of Oktay Kaplan in the Abdullah Gül University as a bioinformatics scientist. In the mean time, I have been looking for a PhD position. If you are curious about my professional background, check out my CV.